All consultations with this clinic are by appointment only. Whenever possible you will be offered an appointment with the doctor of your choice. Long consultations are available if required. Our staff are experienced in helping you decide the most appropriate consultation for your needs; insurance and similar medical examinations, minor surgical procedures, complex medical problems and counselling are examples of consultations that usually require extra time. The doctors will always endeavour to treat patients promptly and at your appointed time. However sometimes you may be kept waiting. This may be due to a patient having a standard consultation time, and medical issues arising during the consultation that need to be addressed, or a medical emergency that needs to be dealt with immediately. We apologise if you are kept waiting, but in the future, it may be you who has a medical emergency, or your doctor may need to extend your appointment time. Please be assured that if you are kept waiting, you will receive your full appointment time with your doctor.
If you have a tele consultation booked, the practitioners will do their best to call at your scheduled appointment time. Sometimes they may call earlier, sometime they may call later but will always ask if it is convenient to speak. If more than 30 minutes has passed beyond your appointment time please contact the clinic for an update.
The reception staff will inform you if your doctor is running late when you arrive for your appointment. We thank you for your patience, and appreciate your co-operation if you are kept waiting.
Home Visits
It is always desirable for patients to be seen at the clinic as the doctor can examine and treat the patient more effectively. However, if the patient is too ill to come to the clinic, it may be possible for a house call to be arranged by ringing the clinic, preferably before 11 am. Please note this service is not available every day and with selected doctors only.
After Hours
If you require an after-hours doctor please contact the Locum Service (DoctorDoctor) on 132660 or book online at to avoid waiting on the phone for an available operator. A home visit can be arranged with them if necessary.
It is a policy of this clinic that all patients must make an appointment for test results. We do not use emails to discuss test results or information about your health. Although information is encrypted we cannot be sure of information being intercepted, and your privacy and confidentiality being compromised.
Clinic Nurse
Our Clinic Nurses are available for appointments Monday to Friday 8.30 am to 5.00 pm. Nursing services include but are not limited to blood pressure checks, wound dressings, immunisations, health assessments and chronic disease management plans.
Privacy Law/Medical Records
Vermont Medical Clinic is committed to providing comprehensive general practice to all individuals and families in this community and maintaining the confidentiality of your personal health information. All patient consultations, personal health information and medical records remain secure at all times, and this information is only available to authorised members of staff. Please discuss any privacy issue you have with your doctor. There are also brochures available for you to read in the waiting room regarding these issues.
Patient Feedback
Patient feedback is an essential component of our quality improvement activities. The clinic is committed to encouraging quality improvement and identifying opportunities to make changes that will improve the clinical care of patients and activities to promote health in the overall practice population.
We welcome your suggestions, on the practice and how it could be improved. Suggestions are completely confidential and help us to improve our services. If you are unhappy with any aspect of the care you receive from the practice we are keen to know about it. Please feel free to talk to your doctor or a receptionist about any concerns. We believe that problems are best dealt with within the practice. We want to know if you are concerned about any aspect of our service. If you remain dissatisfied you may approach The Health Complaints Commissioner:
26 Level, 570 Bourke Street Melbourne 3000.
Phone: 1300 582 113 Email: